How To Calibrate Multimeter

Knowing your digital multimeter and how it works may be enough, but it’s also important to know how it’s calibrated and how accurate calibration may guarantee the quality of your work.

A digital multimeter may be used to test electrical continuity in a circuit as well as voltage, current, and resistance. The voltage, current, or resistance measurement’s numerical value is shown on the multimeter’s digital display. For reliable readings, a multimeter should be calibrated or set to a known zero value before use. Calibrating a multimeter is a crucial process for anyone working with electronics, electrical circuits, or even automotive systems. A properly calibrated multimeter ensures accurate measurements, which are essential for diagnosing problems, conducting experiments, or verifying the performance of electrical components. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a hobbyist, understanding how to calibrate your multimeter is a fundamental skill that guarantees the reliability and precision of your testing equipment.

Why calibrate

One of the most often used test and measurement tools is the digital multimeter (DMM). Its continuous proper operation is essential for quality procedures. However, a DMM’s features can be altered by time, environment, and physical use (or abuse). As a result, it’s important to regularly calibrate or check the effectiveness of a DMM.

The results of calibration show that the multimeter’s performance meets the requirements. The specifications may be customized to an organization’s demands or they may be the standard statistics listed in the DMM’s manufacturer’s publications. In general, the specs will be more complicated the more accurate and exact the multimeter is.

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Selecting A Suitable Multimeter Calibrator

These characteristics of the calibrator you select for the task:

  • Its specifications should be at least four times better than the DMM it is testing’s requirements.
  • Its capabilities must match those of the DMM it calibrates. DMMs have multiple ranges for each of their at least five functions. The calibration procedure needs to confirm that the DMM is suitable to use through this full range of capabilities.
  • Often the DMM’s manual will recommend functions and minimum specifications necessary to calibrate the DMM properly. The manufacturer should provide all the test points and pass/fail limits as evaluated against their specification.

How to Calibrate a Digital Multimeter

How to Calibrate a Digital Multimeter

A digital multimeter may be used to test electrical continuity in a circuit as well as voltage, current, and resistance. The voltage, current, or resistance measurement’s numerical value is shown on the multimeter’s digital display. For accurate readings, a multimeter should be calibrated or set to a known zero value before usage.

Step 1

By turning the dial to the highest “ohm” setting, the multimeter is set to the highest resistance range.

Step 2

 Touch your digital multimeter’s test probes together. “0 ohms” should appear on the multimeter’s digital display.

Step 3

Press the calibration knob until the display reads “0” on the digital multimeter if you don’t see “0 ohms” initially.

How Often Should Calibration Be Done

To keep your multimeter as accurate and safe as possible, you should calibrate it at least once a year. You should calibrate your DMM once every three months if you use it frequently or if you take important measurements. But, if your multimeter is exposed to significant stresses, its frequency might become much higher. They may consist of:

  • Humidity
  • Line voltage
  • Temperature fluctuations


Calibration of a digital multimeter is a very easy task that anybody can complete. However, it’s important to ensure that you’re using the right calibration standard and paying close attention to the directions. Your multimeter will always provide accurate readings if you regularly calibrate it.


How is an analog multimeter calibrated?

Insert the probe in the meter.
Rotate the multimeter knob to the Ohm setting.
In the ohm setting, rotate the knob further to multiplier x1.
Now, connect both probes or short-circuit them.
The pointer must show zero scales.
If it’s not showing zero.

Where do you calibrate a multimeter?

You must carry out the following procedures to calibrate your multimeter: The function switch must first be in the “DCV” position. Your multimeter will be configured to measure DC voltage as a result. The range switch must then be set to the highest position.

How do you fix a multimeter that is wrong reading?

If the battery has to be changed, you should be good to go. If your multimeter turns on but you’re not obtaining precise readings, your test leads can be broken. Touch the test probe leads together after setting your multimeter to read resistance. That ought to say 0 Ohms.

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