How To Read 20k Ohm With Multimeter? Step-By-Step

For determining resistance, it is necessary to choose a variety of levels. Depending on the resistance being measured, you must adjust the level of the multimeter. So, how do I read 20k OHM with a multimeter?

The current flow will be higher and the resistance will be lower It is crucial to test the resistance because it varies over time.

 To read the ohm meter correctly, you must set its level at 20k if the device’s maximum resistance is 15000 ohm. Although reading an OHM meter is very complicated, it is a very common task.

What Are 20K Ohms On A Multimeter?

You’re definitely familiar with the ohm meter if you enjoy DIY and know much about electronics.’ This handy little gadget is used to measure circuit resistance and can be quite useful. If you’re not sure what 20K ohms on a multimeter represents, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. In other words, the lower the number (in ohms) indicates how strong or weak the current is in terms of volts per ampere (V/A), and the higher the number (in K), the more resistance there is on the circuit.

You can use the meter to read the reading on the circuit. It measured AC and DC circuits with a 20K ohm meter. 10–20K and 100–300K are its two operating ranges. The ohm meter will be able to fulfill all of your demands.

How To Read 20k Radius In Analog Multimeter

  1. No video screen is available on traditional multimeters. In order to read the ohm in this sort of OHM meter, you must use needles or a scale after setting the range to 20k.
  2. To use an analog multimeter, first, adjust the adjustment screw and move the needle to the left side of zero. With any screwdriver, the adjustment screw can be changed.
  3. Then move the range selector to ohm. Next, connect the two probes. If the multimeter’s needle reaches infinity, turn the knob to change the ohm and lower the meter’s needle to zero ( the opposite side or right).
  4. Then you must specify the ohm range to complete the setup process. So move the range selector to the ohm range. Fix the 20k marked location there after that. On certain multimeters, 20,000 appears in place of 20k.
  5. Take the probe’s negative edge and attach it to the device’s negative side.
  6. then join the probe’s positive edge to the positive section.
  7. On the analog scale, the needle will be locked at a certain point. Please make a note of it.
  8. To find the ohm, multiply 20,000 by the figure on the scale.

How To Read 20k OHMs In Digital Multimeter  (Not Automatic)

The digital multimeter has a digital screen for data analysis. So it is very simple to measure ohms here and fix the range.

The digital multimeter has a digital screen for data analysis. So fixing the range and taking an ohm reading here is extremely simple.

  1. First, properly mount the probe.
  2. The range selector is then turned, and it is moved to the ohm section. Set it to 20k / 20,000 after that.
  3. Connect the gadget and the probe.
  4. The ohm will appear on the digital display by default.
  5. You may get the ohm by multiplying the measured value by 20,000 or 20k.
  6. Your device’s ohm is higher than the stated range if the ohm range is attained totally or defined as infinite. In this circumstance, you must widen the range.

How to Read a Digital Multimeter’s 20k OHM (Automatic)

Multimeters that operate automatically are becoming more popular because they are simpler to use. They don’t require a specific level of resistance.

In other words, this meter is capable of doing any measurement automatically, from 0 to 1,000,000. No range has to be specified.

  1. As previously, attach the probes to the specified ports.
  2. Then shift the range selector to the ohm part. In contrast to other multimeters, this one has no fixed range. There is only one side with the name ohm.
  3. On the multimeter, you can see how many ohms there are. The resistance is really less than 1k, as shown by the figure you read.
  4. However, you must double that value by 1000 if k/ Follows ohm. You will also experience k /Ω in your instance because you anticipate ohm to be around 20k.
  5. You may increase the value by 1,000,000 to get the device’s ohm when ohm is followed by m/Ω.

How Do You Check If A Diode Is Working?

If you are ever faced with a diode problem, you will need to know how to read an OHM meter. This important device may test the voltage, current flow, and diode functionality. Use the OHM meter’s DC voltmeter feature to verify the voltage. To measure current flow, attach leads from the diode to two test points and use an ammeter or ohmmeter as you would for any other electrical connection.

Understanding the DC voltage and current requirements for a diode’s operation is crucial for determining whether or not it is functioning. Knowing these two essential factors will assist you in resolving the problem and getting the diode functional.


Using the multimeter to test the Ohm value enables us to determine if the electrical circuit is intact or not. If you receive a reading of infinity, the circuit is open. Zero values indicate that the circuit is closed. You will be able to identify the issue’s root cause by acquiring the readings.

Therefore, checking the circuit’s Ohm and the Ohm of any component will help you find a solution to your issue. You may determine if the resistance is the primary source of the issue or whether additional factors need to be considered by following the testing method.


Can I use a multimeter to measure other units besides ohms?

Yes, multimeters can measure various electrical parameters, including voltage, current, capacitance, and frequency, depending on their features and settings.
Always follow safety precautions and the manufacturer’s instructions when using a multimeter to measure resistance or other electrical parameters.

What is the significance of measuring 20k ohms in electronic projects?

Measuring 20k ohms accurately helps ensure the proper functioning of various components and circuits, contributing to the reliability of electronic devices and systems.

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