How To Test A 5 Pin Relay With A Multimeter? 5 Easy Steps

Are you searching for How To Test A 5 Pin Relay With A Multimeter so quickly and accurately? If so, then you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll be discussing how a multimeter help to test A 5 Pin Relay and the steps needed to properly test a 5-pin relay.

From understanding the different connection points and testing the resistance of each contact point to checking the integrity of the coil, learn exactly what you need to do so that your testing is successful.

What is a 5-pin relay?

What is a 5-pin relay
What is a 5-pin relay

‘A 5-pin relay is a type of relay that is commonly used in automotive and industrial applications because it provides control of two circuits using a single control signal. The additional two pins (pin 4 and pin 5) are used to control the two separate circuits

Why Do You Need A 5-Pin Relay?

One common use of a 5-pin relay is in automotive systems where it is used to control the headlights, taillights, and other electrical systems. For example, the relay can be used to turn the headlights on and off when the car’s ignition switch is activated. It can also be used to control the taillights so that they only come on when the headlights are on.

In industrial applications, a 5-pin relay may be used to control pumps, motors, and other high-power electrical equipment. It can be used to turn these devices on and off remotely or to control their speed and operation.


Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter also includes the following tools to test properly.

1. Multimeter:

The first and foremost tool required for Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter. It is a handheld device that is used to measure electrical quantities such as voltage, resistance, and current. It is essential for testing a 5-pin relay, as it allows you to measure the voltage and continuity of the relay’s circuit.

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2. Wiring diagram:

Wiring Diagram
Wiring Diagram

A wiring diagram is a detailed diagram that shows the electrical connections and circuit paths within a system. It can be helpful to have a wiring diagram for the system in which the relay is used, as it can help you to identify the terminal pins and understand how the relay is supposed to function.

3. Voltage source:

In order to test the controlled terminal of the relay, you will need a voltage source such as a battery or a power supply. This will provide the control signal to the relay, allowing you to test its operation.

4. Test leads:

Test leads are insulated wires that are used to connect the multimeter to the circuit being tested. They are typically included with the multimeter and have clips or probes on one end that can be attached to the terminal pins of the relay.

5. Screwdriver:


Depending on the design of the relay, you may need a screwdriver to open the casing and access the terminal pins. Make sure to use the appropriate size and type of screwdriver to avoid damaging the relay.

”By using these tools, you will be able to accurately test the 5-pin relay and determine if it is functioning properly”

Symptoms of faulty Relay

Symptoms Of Faulty Relay
Symptoms Of Faulty Relay

Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter is a simple process but before this, you should come to know what are the symptoms of a faulty relay. Because once you come to understand the symptoms it will be easy for you Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter.

There are several symptoms that may indicate that a 5-pin relay is faulty:

1. The controlled circuit does not operate as expected:

If the relay is not functioning properly, the controlled circuit may not operate as expected. For example, the headlights may not turn on or off when the ignition switch is activated, or the motor may not start when the start button is pressed

2. The relay makes a clicking noise:

A faulty relay may make a clicking noise when it is activated. This noise is caused by the electromagnet inside the relay rapidly switching on and off.

3. The relay feels hot to the touch:

If the relay is faulty, it may generate a lot of heat when it is activated. This can be caused by an excessive current flow through the relay, which can cause it to overheat and fail.

4. The relay fails to activate:

In some cases, a faulty relay may simply fail to activate at all. A variety of issues, including a broken electromagnet, a damaged control circuit, or a short circuit within the relay can cause this.

If you suspect that your 5-pin relay is faulty, it is important to have it tested and replaced if necessary. Continuing to use a faulty relay can lead to further damage to the electrical system and may cause safety issues

Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter

A relay is an electric component that uses an electromagnet to open or close a circuit. It is commonly used to control high-power circuits with a low-power signal and can be found in a wide range of applications, including automotive systems, HVAC systems, and household appliances. Now we will discuss the steps for Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter

How To Test A 5 Pin Relay With A Multimeter?

How To Test A 5 Pin Relay With A Multimeter
How To Test A 5 Pin Relay With A Multimeter

Testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter includes the following steps.

Step 1: Identify the Terminal Pins on the Relay

Step 2: Set up the Multimeter

Step 3: Test the Relay

Step 4: Test the Normally Closed Termina

Step 5: Test the Control Terminal

Now I will discuss in detail all the steps for testing A 5-Pin Relay With A Multimeter

Step 1: Identify the Terminal Pins on the Relay

The first step in testing a 5-pin relay is to identify the terminal pins on the relay. A 5-pin relay will typically have the following terminal pins:

Terminal Pins
  • Pin 1: Normally Open (NO)
  • Pin 2: Normally Closed (NC)
  • Pin 3: Common (COM)
  • Pin 4: Controlled (C)
  • Pin 5: Controlled (C)

Step 2: Set up the Multimeter

The next step in Testing A 5 Pin Relay With A Multimeter is that you will need to set up your multimeter. Make sure your multimeter is set to the appropriate voltage range, and connect the positive lead to the COM terminal and the negative lead to the NO terminal.

Step 3: Test the Relay

Test The Relay

With the multimeter set up and connected to the relay, apply voltage to the controlled terminal (pin 4). The multimeter should read a voltage between 0 and 5 volts. If the multimeter does not read any voltage, this could indicate that the relay is faulty.

Step 4: Test the Normally Closed Terminal

Next, you will need to test the normally closed terminal (pin 2). To do this, disconnect the positive lead from the COM terminal and connect it to the NC terminal. The multimeter should now read a voltage between 0 and 5 volts. If the multimeter does not read any voltage, this could indicate that the relay is faulty.

Step 5: Test the Control Terminal

Finally, you will need to test the control terminal (pin 5). To do this, connect the positive lead to the control terminal and the negative information to the COM terminal. The multimeter should now read a voltage between 0 and 5 volts. If the multimeter does not read any voltage, this could indicate that the relay is faulty.

How to test a Relay with a Multimeter

Process To Test the Functionality of a 5-Pin Relay with a Multimeter

If you have a 5-pin relay and you want to test its functionality with a multimeter, there are a few things that you need to do.

  • First, make sure that the multimeter is set to the correct setting.
  • Next, connect the black lead of the multimeter to one of the relay terminals.
  • Then, connect the red lead of the multimeter to another one of the relay terminals.
  • Finally, press the button on the multimeter and observe the reading. If the reading is within the normal range, then the relay is functioning properly.


Testing a 5-pin relay with a multimeter is a simple process that can help you determine whether or not the relay is functioning properly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily test your relay and identify any potential issues.

How do you check if a relay is good with a multimeter?

To check if a relay is good with a multimeter, set the multimeter to continuity mode and check for continuity between the positive and negative terminals of the relay while it is de-energized. Then, energize the relay and check for continuity between the common terminal and the normally open terminal.

How do you read a 5-pin relay?

To read a 5-pin relay, locate the following pins: pin 85, pin 86, pin 30, pin 87, and pin 87a. Pin 85 is the control or input pin, pin 86 is the control or input ground, pin 30 is the power or output pin, pin 87 is the power or output ground, and pin 87a is the normally open terminal.

Can I test a 5-pin relay without a multimeter?

Technically, it is possible to test a 5-pin relay without a multimeter by using a simple circuit tester or even a flashlight bulb and some wire. However, a multimeter is the most accurate and reliable tool for testing a relay, as it can measure continuity and resistance with a high degree of accuracy.

Why would I need to test a 5-pin relay?

There are several reasons why you might need to test a 5-pin relay. You may need to test the relay to troubleshoot an electrical issue in a circuit, verify that the relay is functioning properly, or determine if the relay is the cause of a malfunction.

Can I test a 5-pin relay while it is installed in the vehicle?

It is generally not recommended to test a 5-pin relay while it is installed in the vehicle. Disconnecting the relay from the circuit and removing it from the vehicle will allow you to access the terminals and perform the necessary tests.

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